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Who loves the other most, Lexy or Samuel

It's Samuel

Who loves the other most, Lexy or Samuel? Samuel loves Lexy more

by Delaney's Encyclopedia December 8, 2020

Who's we, you and that turd in your pocket?

A sarcastic expression used when a person uses the word "we" when they should have actually Used the word "I." Or when a person says that "we don't" do something that at least one person is actually doing. This expression is used to totally catch the offender off guard, rendering them incapable of coming up with a response to the awkward comment.

Teacher: "We don't eat in here"
Jim: "Who's we, you and that Turd in your pocket?!?
Teacher: 0_o (What the fuck?)

by hare bear September 9, 2010

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The godly people who worshipped gods who required spleen juice to remain godly

1)These are people who worshipped godly gods who required spleen jiuce to stay godly. See Also ilge.

2)not a proper subject for a history report/project/paper/test/essay/quiz/or anyother kind of assignment involving accurate information.

Man you are such a godly person who worships gods who require spleen juice to stay godly.

by Eric January 29, 2004

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

He who walks behind the rows

A phrase said alltoghether by stephen king fans who think they're scary.

"This is the way of he who walks behind the rows"

--morons who need sleep

"This'll be the way of you getting the shit beat out of you if you don't fuck off and let me eat my lunch in religious peace"

by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004

19πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

girls who send mirror pics

Girls who take mirror pics are ususally fine asf and need some dick

ome she’s a girls who send mirror pics she must need some dick

by Desmond5 May 1, 2022

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Who what when where why and how

A great game to play when you're bored in class. Start by writing Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How down the side of a paper. Beside who, write a person's name. Fold over so you can't see "who" and pass on to a friend. The next person writes an action beside "what", folds over, passes on. Continue until all of the titles are filled out, then open and read.

Let's play who what when where why and how!

Who: sasquatch and the toilet monster

What: played a vicious game of twister

When: yesterday afternoon

Where: under your bed

Why: because they wanted to taste his sausage

How: with a pitchfork

by Sometimes I do February 14, 2010

30πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

people who say noob are fucking morons

If you are dumb enough to be insulted by noob, then you are a fucking moron too. I want to shoot the motherfucker in the face who came up with noob. All the dumb motherfuckers of the internet world think they are gay when they say it all the time. I say fuck them, and shut the fuck up you stupid bitches.

John says, "im 1337 noob"
Rob pulls out his penis and begins to pummel John with his cock in the best Danza slap ever, and says, "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch, people who say noob are fucking morons"

by Dirk Dickher March 17, 2005

96πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž