This is a state whereby jean basically goes into God mode. In this state he almost triples his productivity and works with the accuracy of 10 virgin rocket engineers. The only caveat is that he gains the moods of a broke woman in her periods and is agitated by literally everything. I would say the payoff is worth it though. He can do what 10 men can do in 3 days, in only one bloody day and he can survive with 4hours of sleep in a period of 2days.
Its best to give jean some junk food during his period in "the zone"
Jean had to go in the zone to finish 3 days worth of edits in only 5 hours
The zone is a term used to describe pure bliss and concentration while performing certain acts, such as playing intense video games, to more menial tasks like welding. Its mostly used while playing video games, and is performed much like "Ultra Instinct" from "Dragon Ball: Super". It is difficult to enter this calming state and stay in it for long, and much harder to mantain when you realise when you're in The Zone.
(Playing Counter Strike)
Person 1: Uh oh, Its a 3v1 and bomb is planted, we've lost.
Person 2: I don't think so, the random we queued up with is in The Zone right now, watch.
(The random proceeds to out play all three, and defuses without a defuse kit)
Person 1: Dang! What a play! I hope we can win like this the whole time.
Person 2: Probably not. Unless he's goated, He left the zone when he won.
In addition to the other definitions, the Zone can also refer to The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) Zone of Alienation in Ukraine. It was established following the 1986 disaster at the CNPP to limit access to irradiated areas. For some, it's an alluring place for a couple of reasons:
1. Peace and quiet - even though the Zone is close to inhabited areas, there's very few people inside, and they mostly mind their own business.
2. Beauty - The Zone offers a unique display of nature being untouched and cut off from the rest of the world. It is one of the most biologically diverse places in Ukraine. The structures within (such as the city of Pripyat) have also been overgrown by plants which creates an oddly beautiful mix of foliage and Soviet architecture.
3. Significance - Many people are interested in the history of Chernobyl or just exploring abandoned sites. Many have seen the Chernobyl series or played the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video games. Those people might feel a special connection to the place.
People used to visit the Zone, either through agencies that offer trips there or illegally. Illegal visitors are referred to as "Stalkers". In 2022, the Zone was closed due to the war. An increase in radiation levels was reported, as the movement of military vehicles has kicked up radioactive dust. If it's reopened in the future and you decide to go, please act decent. Don't take things out, don't bring things in, don't destroy or move anything.
Some find the Zone scary, some find it beautiful. The Zone itself however, doesn't care who you are. Treat it with respect and caution, and it'll show you its wonders. Dig trenches in the Red Forest, and it'll make you glow in the dark.
That cloud, fog or radioactive ☢️ storm that encroaches toward the play circle ⭕️ while playing PUBG mobile. If you don’t reach the play circle in time whilst in the Zone, you will eventually expire.
Me: “Hurry up dude! The Zone is almost here!!!”
Team mate: “Give me 30 seconds, I’m looking for a scope”
Me: Leaving greedy team mate to save myself
🚗 💨
Like being friend-zoned but instead being thought of as a twin.
Omar: I have feelings for you Isobel.
Isobel: I have always thought of you more as a twin.
Omar has now been twin-zoned.
A really slow night of sales, particularly pertaining to bar and restaurant business.
A type of punishment your partner puts you in. (This is similar to being in the doghouse.)
A type of immune response that may take a week or so to recover before returning to work. (Usually happens with people of low stamina and thin blood.)
Man last Tuesday was the lamest night of sales in a long time! It was like the Dead-zone got resurrected and then just suddenly shriveled and died!
A contemporary phenomenon that occurs when Dating App conversation is saturated with career talk, becoming difficult to secure a date.
There are similar parallels to ‘friend-zone’. Any attempt to escalate the match to a date is blocked by the girl saying “I feel that you are more like a colleague”.
Hey bro, did you see that hot girl Ranz I been speaking to on Bumble? We have heaps in common with work.
Sounds like Ranz has already colleague-zoned yo ass.