Generally refers to a security guard or a cop.
Talkin' out my ass, boy, you ain't shit but a bitch with a badge - Lil Dirk
You’re my favorite person in the world
Hows it feel to be a little bitch? What did you say? I said you’re my favorite person in the world.
A word used against people with Blonde hair and Blue Eye Color because they look like a Aryan Nazi
David is such an Aryan Bitch
When your boyfriend can't man up and just tell the truth about anything so he lies to everyone about every single thing; choosing to act like a bitch instead of a man.
Chad can't man up and just tell the truth to save his life. He is a whole ass bitch.
An older, or older acting person who is just the right kind of curmudgeon.
While he used to keep his cool in his younger years, he became a goldilocks bitch.
A meal consisting of mashed potatoes wrapped in pasta
I want some pasta potato bitches !
What the girl you’re dating does
“Are Lydia and Kaylee dating?”
Lydia: “bitch doin Coke at my grandma’s in my dreams”