When a whole group of people can’t take down ONE person.
Him-“Man they still ain’t done shit? Must be bitch made.” 🙋🏿 ♂️
You are bitch-made for saying all this shit but won’t do anything in person Jadder5k
When someone drops over $500 on Clash Royale and can’t make it out of Challenger 1.
Look at Benny over there. He’s Bitch Made
When someone is built a way that cannot handle heat (but calls everybody out for what ever petty reason even its none of her/his business.) When someone is only relying on a fact that everybody think that person is so irrelevant that nobody cares to call him/her out for beign a wuss.
Joe Biden calls Trump racist, wannabe dictator and a liar etc. but in reality he is all those things he claims Trump to be. He is absolutely bitch made.
A group of friends who jump are considered bitch made
Them group of kids tried jumping me they are bitch made
Used primarily as a gender-based slur against males that display weakness, softness, fear or girlish, effeminate behaviors. A male that refuses to stand up and take responsibility for his actions like a man. Generally a male that exhibits behaviors not normally associated with strong men such as nagging, whining, pleading, begging, blaming others for his failures or lackings, or not assertively standing his ground and letting others punk him out.
Bitch Made kids -named Alex stanley