The best rapper of all time and the first rapper to do basically anything.Big Draco got a star named after him no other rapper has one.
This is soulja boy the best rapper in existence .
Look up there in the sky,it’s BIG DRACO
The man who has done it all first
“Look Jesus can turn water into wine”,
“Soulja Boy did it first”
The art of starting a beef with somebody/pretending and chicken out when it starts to get real.
-Man,these rappers nowadays are virtual gangsters, in the end they pull up a soulja boy move.
A male human who hits inanimate objects, and acts cool afterwards. Langs is a short from for langgar, which is "hit" in Street Malay.
To put it on everything or very seriously
Bro I would never date her , boys boys
Mike has himself a Young Butted Boy for after workhours…
“Hey Mike, you still got that young butted boy as your engineer babe?”