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Commonwealth Academy

A shitty racist school made from two small renovated buildings. It hosts a variety of racist people including an english teacher that says the word Chink in reference to the slur for asians, and another teacher who said the N-word twice without repercussions

Guy: "Have you heard about that school Commonwealth Academy?"
Guy 2: "Oh dude, I fucking hate that school, they have racist teachers there."

by lmao1234567891011121314151617 June 23, 2024

Titan Academy

Titan Academy

Titan academy is a prestigious academy made by the one and only youtuber Jian HaoTan 😉

by local terrorist 😍💣 February 9, 2022

Stemm academy

A school where the teachers get to fail students just because “it’s a smart kid school” when in reality it’s a place where kids get horrible grades and get kicked out of clubs they paid 20$ to get into due to those bad grades, and it is also a breeding ground for snobs who flex the fact that they got into a smart kid school.

Dammit, I failed all my classes

What school do you go to?

stemm academy

oh ok then Nevermind

by ChomikLover December 30, 2022

The dean academy

The dean academy is a horrible place where monkey man lives and eats children for dinner

“Oh look it’s the dean academy

monkey mans house”

by I’m a weirdo March 7, 2021

Presentation of Mary Academy

Presentation of Mary Academy (P.M.A.) is the worst school, worse than prison. The principle is a money hungry, sexist, and unfair gremlin. The middle school is a shitshow, and the food is half-cooked garbage. Classrooms are stinky and musty. The given computers are cheap chrome books with no learning applications beside google. You don’t learn anything from the “special” classes, and most of the “special” teachers are uneducated. Technology in this school is uncommonly used by students. If you’re educated or talented, P.M.A. doesn’t care about your education and will pit you aside, especially you’re a boy.

I’m going to get expelled because I spoke my opinion on the education at Presentation of Mary Academy as a educated, male student.

by ProCurryMuncher May 4, 2022

south colchester academy

living hell plus miller is the biggest fag i know his goofy ass walks down the halls like he owns the goddamned school but hes only a vice principle

South colchester academy is too gay 4 ur mom

by mypeck3erisosmall not evengodc January 14, 2018

Ryde academy

A school which has 99.99% neeks located on the Isle of Wight with a bunch of shit teachers and shit lessons,a lot of scraps (fights) take place

Yo bro do you go to that shit school ryde academy (mate) yeah g it’s shit

by Willy schmedder November 21, 2020