A girl that is easily passed around or is messing with multiple people at once. This can be romantically or sexually.
“She is such a bop! She dated 10 guys in one week.”
A bop is simply a girl who sleeps around cause that's Been Open Pussy. It's an acronym B.O.P (Been Open Pussy)
My squad don't fuck with known Bops.
That girl is a bop the whole squad hit!
1: dude i’m with this new girl
2: wait a new one!? ur such a BOP man
A female det do hoe things like a lot of sex with different dudes and things like that don't get it misconscrewed guyyysss!!
Aye that girl bria a bop, she be having sex with anything that walks
a term of endearment for a significant other or someone cute
We have been dating for 2 years; she is just my little bop.