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Sister Cat

An individual who identifies as a feminine energy!

Baby sister cat had it going on!

by Kimberly Kne’Cole October 3, 2023

Fireman Sister

When two women have had sex with the same guy. Akin to the not-so-great male term “Eskimo brother.” So named this because the two women have both “slid down the same pole.” This act brings about a specially bonded type of sisterhood.

Jess: I got way too wasted and somehow hooked up with Brian last night.

Sarah: Ew gross. He’s horrible in bed but now we’re Fireman Sisters since I hooked up with him last year. Cool!

by Jam Sandwitcher July 21, 2022

Your sisters a mister

Worse than “ur granny tranny” or “ur brothers a mother”. Every time this is said, the victim will implode into a ball of guts then blast into a shower of blood.

Joe: “Your gay.”
John: “Don’t make me do it.”
Joe: “Do what, pussy?”
John: “You’ve taken it too far.”
John: “Your sisters a mister.”
Joe: *Implodes then blasts out covering the walls in a red layer of blood and guts*

by ThatGuy286437 March 25, 2018

Sisters girl

A girl close to her older sister

Amy is a sisters girl 100%

by 459395 March 29, 2023

Sister Switcheroo

A group of LGBTQ nuns.

Gee those fags are dressing like catholic nuns. I believe it is the Sister Switcheroo.

by The RONA Wigger October 4, 2023

Shaft sister

When two or more girls have hooked up with the same guy

Girl 1: "I hooked uo with Brian last week"
Girl 2: "So did I! Now we are shaft sisters girll"
Girl 1: "PERIODT"

by badbitch123456 January 30, 2021

Sisters budgies

Your sisters boobs

"Your sisters budgies are huge"

by Sistersbudgies? July 28, 2021