An individual who identifies as a feminine energy!
Baby sister cat had it going on!
When two women have had sex with the same guy. Akin to the not-so-great male term “Eskimo brother.” So named this because the two women have both “slid down the same pole.” This act brings about a specially bonded type of sisterhood.
Jess: I got way too wasted and somehow hooked up with Brian last night.
Sarah: Ew gross. He’s horrible in bed but now we’re Fireman Sisters since I hooked up with him last year. Cool!
Worse than “ur granny tranny” or “ur brothers a mother”. Every time this is said, the victim will implode into a ball of guts then blast into a shower of blood.
Joe: “Your gay.”
John: “Don’t make me do it.”
Joe: “Do what, pussy?”
John: “You’ve taken it too far.”
John: “Your sisters a mister.”
Joe: *Implodes then blasts out covering the walls in a red layer of blood and guts*
Gee those fags are dressing like catholic nuns. I believe it is the Sister Switcheroo.
When two or more girls have hooked up with the same guy
Girl 1: "I hooked uo with Brian last week"
Girl 2: "So did I! Now we are shaft sisters girll"
Girl 1: "PERIODT"