He is an amazing person he is sweet and funny. He is an amazing father, brother, son, and friend you will never meet someone as amazing as him he always knows how to make you life and cheer you up wherever you need it without him some people might be dead right now
“Jacob Hawkins is coming” everyone looks for him they see him with all of his brothers and sisters and his child of course
About the most ridiculous boy you will ever meet. Extremely immature, and will only ever date you for two things: sex or attention. But sex to him is only the attention. He goes back and forward between being gay and strait. He cheated on everyone he ever dated, yet he never can leave them alone once he figuratively throws them into the trash. You cannot trust this boy no matter what he says or does, because the only thing you will get out of it is a breakup in from of everyone at prom or some other special event. Be warned and know, that if you plan to date to marry, Jacob Hawkins is not for you. He will never deserve anyone’s love and affection, he doesn’t even deserve this type of love from his parents.
Is that Jacob Hawkins you see walking through the door? Hurry! Execute lockdown procedures!
Sexy boy. He's sooo fine. He'll listen to all your problems and is sooo sweet and nice. He's very talented and there is no body like him.
I thought u were Joshua Jacob!
An amazing guy I have always loved him.
I wish he knew.
Maybe he does who knows.
Jacob Simes is my love.
Best rapper ever better than snoop dog
Girls: OMG it’s dylan Jacob guys my idol.🍆💦
Dylan Jacob : Fresher than my sneakers let’s play back over leader I feel like a cheater shoot pass my teacher.
To pull a Jacob means that you dont give a fuck, like you just go over to girls and start raping them or get their number.
Or lets say you are with your Homeboys and you wanna act cool AF but you dont know how, ma nigga just pull a jacob and loose yourself
i yo ma nigga we are we going to pull a Jacob or what
Friend 1: Whoa you have a Jacob Atkinson right there!
Friend 2: yea its pre good