Source Code

Uncle Dad

An Uncle Dad is an ill-educated, likely inbred individual most likely of Southern heritage. They require long, detailed explanations to understand even the simplest of concepts. They are painfully stupid and thick. The copious consumption of homemade libations such as moonshine, white lightning and "apple pie" only serve to kill more brain cells, making the Uncle Dad even more logically impaired and inclined to do stupid things.

Oh, man, that Uncle Dad can't seem to understand the words coming out of my mouth. I'd love to have a video camera when he tries that bass fishing with dynamite thing though.

by elysian69 January 1, 2016

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Goofy Ahh Uncle Production

Something that your uncle and his wife "accidentally Produced", which in later years, unavoidably becomes mentally retarded or any other special condition on the Special Needs Spectrum. For example, your youngest cousin is playing football in your backyard and attains a concussion after you Randy Orton his ass. He's now laying in a hospital trying to remember how to eat again and it's all your fault.

little Timmy (age 7) "Hey, look at that perfectly unlicked window over there...can we go li-" You "shut the fuck up you goofy ahh uncle production, nobody fucking likes you"

by B1gD4ddyLXNCHB0X August 16, 2022

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Gay Uncle Larry

Everybody has one.

Mom: Gay Uncle Larry is coming over for Spring Break.
Dad, looking at children: Hide them in the basement.
Gay Uncle Larry, pops out of basement: Hide who where? (Proceeds to rape entire family)

by BaddSpelur October 31, 2019

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wet uncle sam

when somebody lubricates thier fist and inserts it into ones butthole in a punching motion.

" dude my girlfriend is a freak. last night she let me give her a wet uncle sam!"

by R.I.P Geoff July 13, 2009

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Uncle Lucky Finger

Your creepy uncle

Oh girl! Uncle Lucky Finger was over last night, he creeps me out!

by Cyrus the Vyrus August 17, 2009

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Germany’s Austrian uncle

Also known as Adolf Hitler

β€œGott verdammt. There is Germany’s Austrian uncle.”

by Brb I spilled the milk April 30, 2021

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A man named bob...is indeed your uncle....but he is also a sex attacker....who has stolen several children from local primary schools....the term is a mix between "harry is your grandma" and "eddie is yow bitch mo-fucker".

Boy: Oh...hi there...are you ok? you look kinda ill...
Girls Father: You fucked my daughter!!!, omg WHAT THE FUCK?!!!
Boy: BOBS YOUR UNCLE dick face!
Girls Father: Oh mein GOT!!! im gonna go bustle in the hedgerow.

by omgiwillpwnu August 29, 2006

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