The affliction that is onset preceding over-indulgence. Not to be confused with the sensation of an emptyness in the tumbly.
The primary symptom is a notion of rumblyness in the tumbly area. Similar to the more commonly known as Poohs Disease.
Prognosis is generally short term discomfort that can be resolved by drinking large amounts of water. Advanced cases can result in loss of sleep while in severe cases vomiting is also present.
Best course of treatment is rest and avoiding the honeypot.
Rizzo drank so much that his tumbly was rumbly. He cleary was suffering from reverse poohs disease
The attitude and way you act when you're black and born with a white mom. Often too good for other black people, bougie, or just silly in a bad way.
"You heard about Nick? He has White Mama Disease."
"Dude no way."
"You got WMD, for real."
When your retarded
Have you seen my brother bilo he has some kind of neuclear dumbass disease in his brain
a disease in which it looks like you've been slapped in the face many times and itches
the corner girl had slap-faced disease
a rare brain disorder caused by prions
its symptoms include: personality changes, memory loss, impaired thinking, blurry vision or blindness, insomnia, problems with coordination, trouble speaking or swallowing, and sudden jerky movements
creutzfeldt jakob disease is caused by genetics and exposure to contaminated tissue but can also develop later in life by the age of 60
A disease in witch the sufferer is allways salty about things done to them or dumb things they have done, even if it happened years ago. Another word for this symptom is "butt hurt".
Due to his Buttsex Disease, Simon was still mad Nate killed him in Minecraft.