When a man cums inside a woman and lets it sit there and dry. Then before she showers she gets cum in her again flushing out the old dry cum.
Hey you wont believe my girl let me give her a sticky douche this morning.
When a man pisses in his sexual partners asshole, while taking a shower with them, in order to sterilize the orface for dinning.
Jake terry gave chantel the ol terry douche before eating her asshole out
The liquid that remains after douching that is captured, put back in the douche bag and then re-used (or re-douched).
He is worse than a douche bag--he is re-douche!
1. A person containing similarities of a douche bag and a dildo.
2. A combination of douche bag and dildo to offend someone
Person 1: Look at that faggot over there pissing in people's beers
Person 2: What a douche dildo
Douche Dildo: Yo fuck you I'll piss in your asshole.
Those that seek friends by acting like a dubro. Over compensation for a small under carriage. Not to be mistaken for a natural born Oklahoma individual.
When someone saves a place in line for a friend, when you have been waiting hours for a fucking toy on Black Friday. They are a douche twaddle.
Referring to the popular practice of photoshoping a side ways hat on an individual/animal/thing that's being a "douche bag" as seen in memes. Is a way of branding someone or something as a douche.
"Stay away from that guy, he wears a douche cap."
Doing something relatively useless when you should be doing something productive. This comes from the literal meaning, as douching your ass would be useless because it gets dirty next time you use the washroom.
Oh man, I need to stop ass douching and get to my homework!