You say that when you are not lying.
Dad: Did you break the kitchen window?
Son: No. Maybe the dog Fido did. And yes, I got no more peekos.
Dad: OK, thanks for truthtelling, I guess. FIDO, DID YOU BREAK THE KITCHEN WINDOW?
Fido: Wurf! Indeed yes! But I got no more peekos.
When a relationship gets complicated due to friend, family member, or x boyfriend getting your girlfriend pregnant. Ultimately ending in a break up.
Me and my girlfriends relationship just got Jerry Springer. She's pregnant with her X husband. There divorce was final three months ago. Had to break up. They got back together. Her x was my good friend.bill
What you say before our friend shoots your other friend in the side of the head
Backseat nigga: It aint got no clip bud *POW*
Frontseat nigga: jdsjafdsfhdauifdihyfgadhIAShdiashfsaiyfhdsiyfhdisyfhiashfidsfhdsiufhdiufhhfh
A way of expressing support or defense for another individual. Commonly used to defend a male friend, but is not limited to those who identify as male.
Girl 1: boy 1, you will never accomplish anything
Boy 2: don't worry boy 1, I got your dick!
Boy 2: girl 1, you are a ho
to become irritated, angry, or irate about a particular subject. to bristle at a disagreeable suggestion, request, or order.
That imbecile got my hackles up telling me I was wrong about who I voted for. What a frigging libtard.
Ain't got no how whatchamacallit is a phrase scrawled on the side of a wall by Kurt Cobain In 1985
He later got arrested after writing it.
John: Did you hear that Cobain was arrested for drawing Ain’t got no how watchamacallit on a wall?
Fred: No I didnt, that's crazy!