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CLM (Career Limiting Move)

An action that won't necessarily get you "fired", but will create a self-imposed cap on your future. An unforced error that leads to the demise of your potential. Similar to black-listing; this is the move that causes you to get silently blacklisted. You're not necessarily gonna get fired, but, you're going to be wondering later on "why do I keep getting passed over for that promotion"? That CLM you made- that's why.

CLM (Career Limiting Move)

Oof, Tom getting hammered and belligerently trash-talking management, puking into garbage can at the company party... real CLM move. His co-workers like him, but management has no respect for him, and have privately said they would never work with him after the incident.
John, you work at a profit-taking hedge fund. You going well out of your way to make your socialist stance crystal clear to management... you're never going to get promoted to manager. CLM. Don't do it, please. Find another way.

by JBinSF June 16, 2022

keep moving on that stony road

Continuing forward despite the challenges up ahead.

For us, what has always been at stake is whether we could keep moving on that stony road, closer to the ideals of our Founders.

by ASHLEY_A0413 December 11, 2020

Mack moves

Mack moves are Moves that a super fly gangsta sexy booty boo baller puts on a bad bitch to make her smile and sometimes get all the loves.

Pullin mack moves like Dang boo i be loving all your sexy ass curves, but my favorite is your smile

by Mack moves on my bae January 12, 2018

jared move

The Jared move a skill move in soccer. You would dangle your foot over the ball for about 2 seconds then move one way, and trick your opponent and go the other way. The first to use this was Jared and it has been used all over Australia and the globe

Jared just wrecked him, with (the Jared Move)

by The Jared Move March 24, 2018

Moving Mountains

To overcome adversity against at least some several odds and a farmer's dozen even-bare minimum.

Porsche McAponestone excelled obiedient to those laws relevant unflinchingly and with the utmost serious dedication and commitment as well as fudged the numbers a few time or more in magnificent struggle to attain excellence and perfect her golden dome of wisdom and Apple of chaste and wondrous fulfillment thus moving mountains.

by RebarbiceCream August 29, 2019

Fat Move

Used to describe something that is enjoyable or beneficial in some way

Brad: Yo did you here about the party Sarah’s having on Saturday

Chad: Yeah dude that’s a fat move

by Baul Perg October 17, 2018

moving train

A person who is focused on a task or project and making progress despite all criticisms and ill wishes.

You can hate him all you like but Mikel Arteta is a moving train.

by 10eight7 December 27, 2022