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music paralysis

when you're so overwhelmed by great music that you feel paralyzed - a music "coma"

music paralysis Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, J Dilla, Flying Lotus, Gallant

by isabae June 30, 2015

Khichdi Music

An eclectic blend of diverse genres of music resulting in a delightfully sumptuous and exciting compilation, as delicious as a bowl of khichdi.

Chor Collective makes some dope khichdi music

by cc0607 November 24, 2020

Music Strike

A modern technological hunger strike in which the protester repeatedly listens to a song for hours, days or years to get a message across.

This can be effective for a music strike against the NSA as they get bored of looking at the same browser history.

The flagship song is "She will be Loved" By Maroon 5.

John: I heard Sally dumped you, how you feeling?
Derek: We're back together!
John: How?
Derek: I went on a music strike, listened to "She Will be Loved" 256 times and sent her screenshots; she took me back!

by Weetbix November 28, 2013

chick music

Music that targets the female audience.

Nigga, are you listening to Backstreet Boys! Come on dude, that's chick music.

by @andel December 1, 2018

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Musical Articulation

The process of composing a melody to express a specific thought or emotion.

Sometimes, the composer has verbally articulated or also written the thought he or she articulates musically by composing a melody. Sometimes, the composer just feels an emotion which he or she is or is unable to articulate verbally, but composes a riff to express it, that is 'musical articulation.'

by but for December 19, 2017

Musical Articulation

The process of composing a melody to express a specific thought or emotion.

Sometimes, the composer has verbally articulated or also written the thought he or she articulates musically by composing a melody. Sometimes, the composer just feels an emotion which he or she is or is unable to articulate verbally, but feels the need to express by composing a riff and does so. "I call that 'musical articulation.'

by but for December 19, 2017

Music theory

The study of musical possibilities and historical practices involving musical notation and interpretation (essential for understanding the rest of the course) in a musicological approach.

- Music theory can be a tool box, a rule book (that can be broken), or a guideline for composers to help them develop their own ideas of composing their pieces of all genres with chord progressions, tonal & atonal harmony, melodic structuring and many more methods.

- Many modern contemporary composers have broken many of the common practice period composing rules; Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky & Ivan Shostakovich are notable examples.

- Jazz music theory, or known as jazz harmony uses similar approaches to Western harmony but often use harmonies that are often played within the genre with additional tension using 9th, 11th, and 13th chords with incorporated usages of modes, and dissonant chords (augmented & diminished chords) and chord progressions that aren’t conforming to traditional music theory.

- There are prominent theorists on YouTube such as Adam Neely, David Bruce, 8-Bit Music Theory, etc. that do analyses and compose pieces using methods of music theory as they explain viewers regardless of their knowledge input of theory.

“I wouldn’t say that music theory is a mandate, but it’s highly recommended if you’re willing to pursue in a musical career.”

by pineapple_sandwich January 4, 2021