A unit of measurement defined by how many lines it takes Ryan to do a homework problem. Usually it’s best to achieve atleast 1.5 ryans or better, but the average being 2 ryans.
John: Hey man, how long did it take to do the first problem on the test.
Mack: I managed to get by with 3 ryans. The ryan limit is awesome!
someone who thinks Christmas eve is on the 23th of December!
You pulled a Ryan Hewes! Christmas eve is tomorrow!
A boy who would not usually go with his mates but when he is around his mates/girls he could be a bit cockey.
He is not that athletic as in he does not do many good things in life. He can often be known as a person not to like sports.
When he hangs out with a friend he tends to tell lies. He may get angry at his things easily and may hurt someone.
When he may go out with some one he tends to brag. Hee may get things from a friend and not give it back.
Your being such a ryan COCKER today.
(Being annoying in many ways).
Ryan Koh's are known for many things like being photogenic and making the best music ever. If you are considering a professional music career, think of changing your name to Ryan Koh.
That guy is so talented at making music and really handsome too! Surely is a Ryan Koh
I feel bad for Ryan Cadoret, that guy just sucks at everything.
famous cheerleader that got famous off making a sassy face that turned into a meme. she does all star cheerleading at cheer extreme all stars
Friend 1: Do a sassy face when performing
Friend 2: Oh like Ryan Cummings’