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smoke your face

to epically pwn/own somebody
or in literal form to rips somebody's face off and literaly smoke it

i just smoked your face in ping pong
that girl is so viscous she'll smoke your face

by gabester120 February 20, 2010

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Pop Smoke concert

to be/wake up at Pop Smoke concert means that you have died, since he also is dead.

the saying is interchangeable for any popular dead artist therefor useful in any environment, if adjusted.

I've seen it in memes and considered amusing

(1) If you down the whole bottle you gonna end up at Pop Smoke concert!

(2) When you go to sleep with cough and wake up at Pop Smoke concert.. :|

by didierlama December 8, 2020

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up tha smoke

To raise the level of violence; especially to gun play.

Say homeboy I think they tryin to up tha smoke out here. Let me get my piece, hold on!

by SavedbyGod November 26, 2019

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Smoke Em Up

A term used to describe the act of flooding the enemy with as much smoke as you have. The smoke comes from smoke grenades, and this term is used commonly on first person shooters.

Bill- "Yo man, there are 5 guys in that house!"

Jack- "Smoke Em Up and run in there!"

by Goofry July 3, 2009

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smoke free campus

one of the lower rings of hell. A community college or university campus that prohibits smoking or tobacco use. studends are forced to use tremendous ingenuity to find places and methods of smoking to avoid capture by authorities.

Smoker #1 *flicks bic*
smoker #2 dude no...
Smoker #1 why not? your smoking...?

Smoker #2 yeah, but I glued my cigarette to the inside of my coffee thermos so it will look like Im just drinking really really hot coffee.
Smoker #1 genius!
smoker #2 fuck this smoke free campus

by the buckeye smoker January 22, 2014

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smoke weed everyday

Snoop Dogg's most famous line advocating for daily marijuana usage.

It has spawned a huge number of joke variants, many of which somehow involve Super Mario. When the player goes down a pipe, the well-known transit noise is replaced by a squeaky voice saying "weed" three times. Need I say more?

Most implementations of this phrase occur along with a GIF of Snoop Dogg's "weed dance", a classic move which is at once simple in appearance but actually quite difficult to pull off. Perhaps one needs to smoke pot before attempting it...

I smoke weed everyday. (smoke weed everyday) (remix)

by Brodo_Swaggins October 17, 2016

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Popping Pink Smoke

See "Popping Smoke," Popping pink smoke is military slang for shamming out of one's duties to pursue vaginal intercourse.

PFC: So are we actually going to PMCS all these vehicles today?
SPC: Hells No! I'm popping pink smoke, my wife is trying to have another kid.

by PFCBedroomEyes November 15, 2010

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