Source Code

Alabama Sweet Meat

Extensive exercise or work in the sun all day makes your nether regions sweaty and sticky so bad that if your girl want to give you a blow job she has't to peel that smelly dick off your inner thigh like peeling the protective film off your new phone.

My wife was so horny last night after i came home from work, I had no time to shower and she was stuck with that Alabama Sweet Meat.

by noah p m September 28, 2018

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Oh Sweet Mercy

sweet mercy : a very desirable state of forgiveness

most commonly used in a positive way: if someone's attractive , turns you on, you just can't believe someone as hot as that exists... or

in negative connotation: OH MY GOD! how could they do something like that ...

oh sweet mercy! Look at him/her! ( in this context meaning: Oh My God, like when someone sees someone attractive or their crush, however can also have a negative connotation behind the phrase such as : Oh my god , I can't believe they'd do that !)

by Ro9201 July 3, 2018

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sweet dick all

to do absolutely nothing...or as little as possible

I worked with Doug today, and he did sweet dick all.

by jinnyjan September 1, 2006

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sweet temtationzzz

The title of a pizimped out car's bumper sticker

I just tricked out my focus, I need to get a Sweet Temptationzzz sticka

by JessMal April 16, 2005

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Sweet Buddy

A guy who is very nice, sweet and shy around certain girls.

Dude, your such a sweet buddy.

What i just gave lyan a big stuffed domo toy for 30 bucks

by T_connection April 14, 2011

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sweet talker

one who has been rejected by nunu

β€œthey don’t call me sweet talker for nothing” - taco

by loalalalallajguhjgugjju February 7, 2021

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sweet twat

a young lady that is too hott to trot; she usually acts like she owns the ground that everyone is walking on; loose; snotty; most likely to be found driving a chevy astro to her driving test for her license; thinks she's hott, but she's wrong

Wow, look at that sweet twat.

That, sweet twat is too hott to trot.

She is sooo failing her test.

by asissej emmit March 20, 2008

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