a very unfortunate name
person 1: hey what is the abreviation of your full name
kevin kyle klimberly: no
person 1: tell me what it is
kevin kyle kimberly: kkk
This sentence comes from the root of the sentence “My names Shity Niggers, Yooo Kyle”. Filmed on the trail behind Union Beach Memorial School.
This sentence could be used as a insult to someone named Kyle. Say you and Kyle are fighting you could say “Merry Christmas Kyle” as a comeback.
Merry Christmas Kyle is the root of the sentence “My names Shity Niggas, Yo Kyle”
“ Merry Christmas Kyle” can be use as a joke or as a comeback to Kyle
an illegal goat testicle dealer. commonly found in the west coast a kyle prue will suck up any dried dad cum he goes by.
damn that kyle prue just ate up all the dried dad cum i had stored up
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Most beautiful man to exist
Best Twitch streamer
Friends with Ronnie Radke
The inventor or Magic 8 Ball Roulette
Notices his fans all the time
"Did you see the new Kyle David Hall stream last night?"
"Yeah! He noticed my comment in the chat!"
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He was a substitute in our highschool for many years. His name was Mr. Reid but he looks like Kyle so that is how he got the name. After the first time he accepted the fact that he was Kyle's father. But on October, 15 he left our school for Huston, Texas. He will be greatly missed.
"Hi Mr. Kyle's Dad"
"Hi Kyle's friends"
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There is only one Kyle on earth and he is our mother. When a Kyle die another one is spawned into the world to replace him.
Person A: "Kyle is Our Mother"
Person B: "What?"
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