Source Code

Heading to Craigsville

An expression used in place of, "We're fucked." Commonly used on Jump Mountain during bear season when hunters have lost their dogs and the sun is rapidly setting.

"Well, we lost our dogs when we were chasin' a bear, so I guess we're heading to Craigsville."

by APkid January 22, 2009

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fed head

a fake "Ed Hardy" hat.
i guess they just added the letter f to 'Ed' and put head at the end of it because it rhymes and you wear it on your head.

Guy: "Are you a fed head? Because you have an Ed Hardy hat on."
Girl: "Yep. Im addicted to Ed Hardy."

by Jamesyboyy December 31, 2008

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Chuck Head


A term used to describe a person with an abnormally large head or the appearance of an abnormally large head.

I didn't realize they made hats that were large enough to fit your chuck head.

by Chuckle Head Big March 13, 2018

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spooky head

The process of receiving a blowjob in a place of haunted or β€œspooky” origin.

β€œYo did you hear about gage last night?”
β€œNo what happened?”
β€œHe said he got spooky head last night and he got his ectoplasm all over!”

by Somali_boonkers December 29, 2017

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Perch Head

When a female just barely gets the tip of your penis in her mouth. The mouth looks like a perch nibbling on the end of your shaft.

Last nite at the movies the bitch just gave me some perch head.

by Grandlakeguy April 27, 2018

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head neighborhood

A neighborhood inhabited by many drug addicts.

Don't go shopping in the head neighborhood.

by BryanDaniel June 28, 2008

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work head

When you supposed to be doin yo job but a ratchet hoe of an employee decide she tryna suck that fat meaty cock

I saw this Arab guy at target getting work head instead of doing his damn job but I wasn't even mad I was proud!

by chrispaulcurry February 4, 2014

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