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Pig boy

Pig boys usually have a girlfriend but continues to talk, flirt and play around with other girls if the girl knows that the pig boy has a girlfriend and continues to get involved with the pig boy she becomes a pig girl

Pig boy meets pig girl and has piglets

by Loopylou87L February 17, 2023

plushie boy

when a person has a boyfriend/girlfriend plushie that they can legally get married to

person :hey dude! Did you hear that mathew has a plushie boy?
person2: yeah! its crazy! Maybye he just cant get a girl?

by myfirsttimeusingtheurbandictio December 21, 2024

Dino Boy

The king of all dinos, and if hes hungry, he will NOT eat the world but beg you for your food until you die. BEWARE OF THIS DINO.

Dino boy is hungry.

by Anti-Dino March 1, 2019

fuck ass boy

brady. you know who you are.

brady is literally a fuck ass boy.

by veryhappypenguin March 1, 2024

vibe boi

a boi who is cute and who u kinda just vibe with (a friend deeper than platonic but not exactly romantic or a qpp) like u could legit just cuddle and talk abt loona. a mlm/nblm exclusive term

he's my vibe boi

my vibe boi is cuter than yourss

by loona stan June 15, 2021


WWE Fans that support WWE irregardless of product quality.

Joe is a WWE PUSSY BOY as he believes that Even though WWE has lost 10 million fans in the US since 2001 it’s still as good as it ever was.

by WWE FAN June 15, 2023

13 year old boy drinks vodka

This is Katelyn, she likes tomato ketchup, she likes it too much, and she has 8 baby teeth removed,, This is Leon, his mother pulls him with a wheelchair, because he's too heavy to walk, Colin is 13, he is drinking half a bottle of vodka every Friday

13 year old boy drinks vodka every Friday is a a sad story.

by Debskelly1985 June 18, 2023