A women who is defiant or sets boundaries.
Cc: You're such a bitch
cc: stop acting like a bitch
A selfish woman who is not considerate of others or their feelings
Guy says "hello" to a pretty woman at a coffee shop.
Pretty Girl stuck up, does not even say "hi" back.
Guy (thinks to himself) what a bitch.
Pretty Girl suggests a fancy sushi restaurant on a first date.
Pretty Girl believing she deserves the world does not even offer to pay after her suggestion of the expensive sushi place on a first date.
I have this bitch friend named Tyrah..... I love you sometimes and RJ😱
one of the most versatile words in the english language; it is used to express a multitude of emotions; anger, anticipation, despair, endearment, envy, excitement, fear, horror, joy, shock, surprise, warning; all achieved by one's enunciation and intonation.
Israel Rodas is a little bitch!
A non-human who is extra and fights with you over little things for example your sibling was supposed to do the dishes but he/she told you to do it but it was your sibling who was supposed to do it and then he/she tries to blackmail you to do the dishes. A Bitch is also a person who is rude to you for no fucking reason and be like "yOuR sUcH a BiTcH" so don't be like and they are like Karens %50 so if you see a bitch, smack them in the face.
You: *litteraly finds a lost dog and takes it to the police station*
Bitch: Omg how dare you steal a dog from someone
You: I'm-
Bitch: I'm calling the sheriff *dials number*
You: smack her and breaks her phone*
Bitch: Nooooo (falls to the ground + tries to call for help)
You: Get a life you some of a Bitch
If you are a Kare, you are a bitch.
Hey look at that bitch, she is definitely a Karen.
A female dog or a word for a girl who is completely ignorant and rude
Bitch is a female dog dogs bark up trees are made of bark bark is part of nature nature is beautiful so thank you for calling me beautiful