this happens when you make sure a person has no way to get home and especially back to his family and love ones and his credentials...the person is force in prison no way out, no defense, can't bribe their way out, and can't kill witnesses to escape trial. can't kill the victim, no way to prove he or her innocence.
she acted like the shit made sure he couldn't get home, and now she has no way out of her punishment.
Too much information to comprehend
Yo did you see that?
I don't know what I say that shit was way the hell out there!
When you drink too much and get sloppy drunk or start floppin' around, usually black out drunk from cheap liquor or 4 lokos
Husband -Damn babe you were floppin' out on 4 loko
Wife -fuck I flopped out last night
To be completely exhausted of all energy after an intense workout; or several bong rips
That last gym session had me gassed out; I’m ready to go home.
Me and my girl were hanging out in the blankets