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Stick Man

A close friend who is always there for you. That one friend you can count on. Widely used in the Hampton Road/Tidewater Virginia area.

My stick man got some girls for us to chill with tonight.

by Folkwhored April 17, 2022

2 brick man/suger dealer

hank is a madness combat guy

2 brick man/suger dealer is commonly found in allay
guy 1: get beef bot 2 brick man/suger dealer
guy 2: ok

by suger man October 28, 2021

Motion man

His name is Abeeeeeeeeeead Abid amotionman young motion getter motion lotion junior etc etc

If you wanna be like Abid the motion man you gotta have motion

by motionlotionJr January 2, 2024

Man hooker

A guy who fucks a lot of girls

Kendall is a man hooker

by 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 November 20, 2020


Not to be confused with man-musk, the sent of sexy ballers in a forest, no no no. Man-must is the deformed doppelganger of man-musk, think a room of teenage boys unwashed and sweatn' up something offensive.

The gimp storage unit in the Pleasure Dome reeks of man-must. Go clean it you BANANA HAMMOCK!

by Banana Hammie December 17, 2019

Counterfeit Man

A 'Counterfeit Man' is a man who's talk seems to be real, that he going to do what he said he is going to do or that he is the person that he be telling you he is but if you look real close into the details of him, it's not real - it's all a counterfeit.

I met a man on the weekend, he told me he owned his own business and he was going to call me on Monday, turns out he is a counterfeit man.

by PalomaOntheIsland November 6, 2019

chi chi man

"chi-chi," is Jamaican Patois (Patwa) for termite. It is a pejorative term for a gay man and emerged from a humorous association drawn between the two which regarded both as "eaters of wood."

"From dem a drink inna chi chi man bar, blaze di fire mek we dun dem!"
"Once they are drinking inside a gay man's bar, blaze the fire (cause a ruckus) so we can stop them!"

by jus a jamaican yute November 17, 2022