Source Code

w/e tf/e

whatever the fuck ever

- brb... #2
- w/e tf/e

by ggnore4life March 28, 2008

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George W. Bush

scapegoat for all problems arising during the early 2000's, due mainly to his distinct southern accent and propensity for stepping on the toes of ignorant liberals who don't understand the fact that the president has absolutely no power over things like the economy.

"George W. Bush instigated the 9/11 attacks with his illogical foreign policies"

"dude, for one, he had only been in office a few months, his foreign policies hadn't even had time to take effect. Second, we actually started having troubles with al qaeda during the clinton administration

by counterintuitively intelligent June 17, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

So we'll hate him;

Because he can take it.

Because he's not our hero.

He's a silent guardian,

a watchful protector.

A dark knight.

The movie "The Dark Knight" was an allegory of George W. Bush's presidency.

GWB = Batman.

by best ud def poster February 24, 2010

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George W. Bush

A human being trapped inside of an enormous ladybug; a rocket.

When I stepped on the ladybug, George W. Bush fell out, then whisked away into planetary orbit. Nas was there.

by Drew Drew Drew September 21, 2007

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chicken with a capital W

A Wiccan, Celtic witch, or Western European Pagan. Chicken rhymes with Wiccan, and Wiccan starts with W.

One of my friend's daughters is a chicken with a capital W because she likes Nature.

A chicken with a capital W is familiar with Artemis Pinkwar.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 4, 2007

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An online encyclopedia of questionable veracity, due to it's open-sourced nature. The first step on our way to becoming an idiocracy.

"Dude, did you finish that essay yet?"

"Nah, I'll just wait 'til the last minute and copy/paste a bunch of stuff from w(icky)pedia. It'll be sick, or I will be."

by Digitatus January 22, 2012

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George W. Bush

Currently the number one on the list of high ranking idiots. Obama is currently number two on the list. Number three is a tie between Sarah Palin and John McCain.

George W. Bush attacks Iraq in a quest to find weapons of mass destruction, but instead finds sand.

by Child Preda... Steve. April 12, 2011

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