A Big Dan's Tavern Customer is the kinda guy who will cheer on a gang rape & give high fives to each other during like the 1987 movie The Accused with Jodie Foster. Probably knows Brock Turner.
Steve & Ted are total Big Dan's Tavern Customers they tried to Cosby some chick at the bar last week.
Sexy cunt, clarkeys best mate, Liverpool ultra since 2003, propa belta
Dan Murphy is a proper cool guy
That guy is like a Dan Pitman, he’s a pernis loving mother fucker
He is pretty gay
Yo, Dan Gosling you pretty gay
a big ufo that floats around the world. People are scared.
Moili "Hey Roina did you see that Ufo?"
Roina "It must be Dan The UFO"
When you can't handle what your feeling in an adult way & do whatever to make yourself feel better temporarily
She didn't get what she wanted so she's gonna be a Dan about it again