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Not Talking To Kai Syndrome

u are unable to talk to Kai (me) for a long period of time which results in u being cranky,emotional,distressed, anxious and just flat out depressed. This syndrome will not leave your body untill you send Kai a pic of your Calcium cannons when you get home.

Angeli is going to suffer through Not Talking To Kai Syndrome during that camping trip

by DefinetelyNotKai July 10, 2023

Kai's Disease

A disease in which a person is unable to use words properly between the hours of 7 PM and 9 AM.

Lauren: My pumpkin rot, but I didn't have time to carve it anyways.
Liam: I need to carve my watermelon.
Kai: I need to cave my Lukas.
Kai: *gourd
Liam: Kai have you taken your Kai's Disease medicine tonight?

by epikliam October 28, 2021

Kai dude

I think your smile is adorable. So when i go crazy eyed its not because im scared its because I i think its cute and idk how to react or express it.

Damn kai dude your dumb

by heartcalls July 31, 2019

Damon Klaus and Kai

most fuckable iconic triple threat

kai is soft but a fucking maniac
damon has mommy issues and is a sexy pancake maker

elena: did you hear that damon klaus and kai are in town!?

stefan: yeah bitch i fucked them all before you 🙄 yes i am a glitzy gobbler

by thomasheadonsucksaubbysglizzy August 3, 2020