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A Wack Ass Monotonous slampiece.
Wam-slams are a peculiar specimen that have no dopamine in their brains, scientists think this is because of addiction. Wam-slams are often found in recovery groups. A typical Wam-slam diet includes coffee, la croix, sushi, pho and tacos . Wam-slams are easily influenced and their mental capacity is severely diminished due to years of alcohol and drug abuse. Wam-slams have a wide range psycho-social issues..Always wear a condom with a Wam-slam, God only know's what std/sti they are actively carrying.

Wam-slams are often "WAMEN" see UD definition.

Wam-slam, thank you mam.

1: Bro did you see that fine ass Wam-Slam the other night.
2: That Wam-Slam totally BOOFs it!

by Wam-Slayer March 4, 2018

Cam Slam

When you send a girl a dick pic of a penis that is longer then 7 inch’s

I knew it was a Cam Slam once I saw it.

by Dick Pic Piper April 7, 2018

golden slam

A term used by male heroine users when injecting their drug of choice in or around their genitals particularly in or around the head and or shaft of the penis

1: "did you hear about what happened to Amos?"
2: "na what's up?"
1:"man! He did a golden slam yesterday and now he's in the hospital with a plugged up urethra! The doctors had to lance his cock!"

2:fuck that!!!

by Muck Changione April 20, 2017



Arnold: Did you go to that party last night, George?!
George: Yeah! It was slamming!

by MalumLibrum958 July 2, 2022


The act of absolutely destroying Austin Glasspoles fat ugly mrs.

I will be slamming Gnomes ugly mrs later today

by dfsdfsggsdcvsfsdfsff March 4, 2022


To shoot a drug up

I love slamming dope

by dwap May 20, 2024


Slamming and sex are part
of life for some gay men, and drugs like tina (crystal meth), ketamine, mephedrone and new substances like 3-mmc, mxe and 4-mec are being injected before and during sex sessions.

The effect of slamming is very intense, and for me it is equivalent to freedom... I feel liberated from past sexual issues.

by PigNico August 17, 2019