girls use this to discreetly tell someone that they're on their period
"I can't go out with you today cause I'm sick"
1) The feeling of despair .
1.) I've be sick the last 3 weeks After loosing my grandmother .
If you’re American please explain you’re views of this word.
But in England ‘sick’ is actually a better, more common, and if you’re that old a more ‘trendy’ word for cool.
**friend shows you a ‘OG’ song by Stormzy***
Me; Oiii, I haven’t heard this song ‘in time!’ This ‘tune’ is actually sick....
Ethan, Your'e a Sick Goalie! Also heard you are a sick runner....
Sick- Sick is something that is awesome or cool.
Awww dude thats sick!
Thats fuckin' sick dude!
When something is super DOPE! Or looks super Nice!
Look at my new tattoo. Damn that's fucken Sick... But said like this siiiiccccckkk.. Meaning it looks fucken Bomb As fuck!