Is known for the amount of girls he has had a thing with before. Usually has a good appearance which helps him in his act. They will confidently hit up girls they know hardly anything about and try to win them over. You may not even like this person at the start but due to their charm and false words you will start to gain feelings. They will make you feel important and as if you are all they care about. They may even victimise themselves and guilt trip you into liking them. Don’t be fooled they may even be willing to have you meet their friends. They will tell you they love you by text and proceed to explain that they love you over your appearance and that you’re nice. They will talk about you being in their future. They will tell you that their biggest goal in life was to pull you. Finally, they will drop you as soon as you hurt their ego or show you are not suitable for what they want from you (they want to sleep with you but you dodged their kiss so they know you won’t be a suitable target to sleep with anytime soon or you hurt their ego from dodging their kiss). They will leave you heartbroken but still text you every so often. The cycle continues and they start to try to win over another girl.
“After all these months and telling me he loves me and suddenly he doesn’t care one bit?”
“Yep that’s what you call a player”
A person (often a male and called harry)
Who makes others feel special and like they are the only one when really they are one of many girls he may simp for.He often tells his friends how fit all the girls he knows are
"Hey dude Katie's fit"
"I thought you liked aimme"
"Yea shes peng but I'll probs dump her later"
"Harry you're a player"
Someone who has been hurt so bad, they have to hurt others to feel. Mainly being caused by being heartbroken so harshy that they think the only way to love is to break others the way they have been broken before.
people text him and he respond sometimes and the pics are acc hot lmao.
wanna be player: HE texts people, hes annoying bc he alwasy texts u and hes prob ugly
damn, don’t text that guy back, he’s such a player
A player is a male or female who talks to more than one person in their life. There can be love there, but the player never lets it get serious. Once they get in a relationship, the player must retire their player card because cheating is shitty. A TRUE player keeps things 100 with open communication: not hiding the fact that they speak to more than one person. The common misconception is a player is a jerk, because the player messes with people's feelings. A true player can be respectful towards people as long as he/she is being honest about the fact that they're not ready for a relationship. Not all people are ok with this so the player needs to make intentions clear before he/she accidentally leads the person on.
You see I made up my mind when I was seventeen,
I ain't with no marriage and a weddin' ring,
I be a player fo' life so where's my wife,
Probably at the rehab stuck on the pipe... - Too $hort
A player is a person that uses girls for fun or there own entertainment.......... Mostly like call duran
He's a player. Don't trust him