When you get so baked so can't move at all, you may have to lay on the floor.
Can you make me a cup of tea?
No I can't move, I have coffin body.
An individual who buys the Marshal on second round versus a team where 4 of the members have light armor, but one does not. This individual consistently shoots the one enemy without armor once in the body for a kill.
Woohoojin was the only enemy to not buy light armor second round. He was then shot by a second round marshal body shot on one guy without armor demon.
A person who you are so close to you can trust will help you remove the body of a sexual partner (died from natural causes) from your bed before you spouse comes home...no questions asked
He is my body shifter
Person 1: Have you watched h the new sssniperwolf video?
Person 2: no I heard she body shames people, that’s a big yikes moment
Person 3: I got body shamed by sssniperwolf
Person 4: she’s such a body shaming person
Hym "There goes the body shaming! I made you feel as you are (dumb+bad) and there goes the immediate body shaming! Right there! You see it!?"
The exact counterpart to your perfect physical body of the person. Composed of fine ethereal matter and is usually encased in this physical body.
I want my astral body... I had a dadbod since I was 5 and I just had a kid.
Being dissatisfied with your biological body and want to change it example Plastic surgery
Gaining weight
Losing weight
I have body dysphoria I don’t like my body and want to change it