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dust the chicken

1.to give it all you got

2.to die from exhausten

“I got to go dust the chicken, see you after class

by LittlePigCat December 15, 2017

Dust Muffin

An older woman who has not had intercourse for a prolonged period of time. Hence her Vagina has collected dust.

Dude that chick’s got a dust muffin, she’s so mean that no one has banged her since the 90’s.

I would tap that dust muffin!

by Nikkilicous January 11, 2024

Dust Muffin

A man with a spiky fau-hawk

wow, that guy has such a Dust Muffin!

by spunky laday September 8, 2011

Death dust


1) electrolyte drink mix made by water company Liquid Death
2) Cocaine

Death dust? Take it from me, don't snort that stuff!

by johnzilla1126 February 13, 2025

adventure dust

Any dirt that gets on your body or clothes while you are exploring the world

I was climbing that wall over there and got adventure dust all over my hands and clothes.

by SinisterBisckit December 30, 2017

dust punching

when a young male has sexual relations with an older lady "80 to 100". aka a dust puncher

"yo dude you want to go dust punching, i found an old broad who is willing to double team"

by dead_me March 1, 2016

Dungeon Dust

The disgusting funkness that individuals can collect when abstaining from bathing and other hygenic practices.

Can include people who play WoW or other MMO's for far too long in ne sitting.

Blood of Jesus this dude's breath stinks. He just sprayed me with half a kilo of dungeon dust.

by Yowza_Bob January 25, 2011