Uncle Jimmies Porn Emporium is a place of peace, strippers and ANAL. On the inside of this palace of PORN is just a great big wonderful rainbow of bondage, lesbians, etc. So come on down to Uncle Jimmies Porn Emporium, we do not condone eggs
"UNCLE Jimmies PORN EMPORIUM, ThIS is Jimmie SPEAking HOw mAY i HEALp YOU?"
Great-grandparent's half-brother.
My half-great-great-uncle is a good person.
The only acceptable response to “your granny tranny”
Tim: “ur granny tranny”
Jesus: “ur uncle has shingles”
Tim: *contracts crabs*
The polite way of saying the “r word”. My uncle is crazy and has a tbi so he acts special. When do you something stupid, you say a person has UDS. There are currently 8 patients and no cure.
Bro I can’t believe you stuttered, your Uncle Dave Syndrome (UDS) must be acting up.
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smoke weed with out planning it it kinda just happened, chronic is weed and uncles always come unannounced
me: hey you just got a visit from uncle chronic
alex: o well i got my cologne with me so its cool
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A black man who’s a Trump- supporter, despite his knowledge of Trump’s racist ass comments.
You Uncle Ruckus ass nigga , don’t you hear what that racist fool is saying!?
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When someone explains a family related event with a lot of excitement but the other person doesnt really get the complicated family relations. who was the auntie, uncle cousin,nephew etc etc??
a phrase by timon in The Lion King when Timon fails to understand that simba has returned to challenge Scar.
sara: Im sorry which uncle was it? Thats alota family crap and im kinda in the monkey's his uncle moment.
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