It's like a Book Club but you watch movies with your friends instead
Me and the boys are gonna watch Predator for Book Klub this Thursday
Get the hell out of there fast!!!!!
Deploy that motherfucking ASM and book like hell out of their airspace!
a day where you go buy your girlfriend a book she wants.
"hey, its National Buy Your Girlfriend A Book Day let's go buy me one!"
A hard covered book that has had its pages carved out in the middle. The space created can be used to discretely hide small objects such as condoms, bowls, or other objects of an illicit nature.
I can't believe it!, I got a Book safe full of condoms for my birthday!
A Nintendo Wii modified to integrate Facebook, Guitar Hero III, and a 5.1 optical audio connection to a Dolby Digital receiver.
"Hey Jenna, do you want to stop over and play Super Mario Galaxy later or maybe bowling?"
"No, Thanks, I'm playing the Faceguitarwii-book right now. Did you know I'm completely obsessed with facebook? I need help. Can you help me? I think I should maybe go to an AA meeting or something. I think they'll clap for me there and I'll be less obsessed. No wait, I'll be too busy playing to go to the meeting."
A Book Beast is a kid that collect books, bookmarks, and book accessories for the sole purpose of impressing others. He or she buys famous book only because its famous book.
He bought this book only for flex, he doesnt want to read it, he is book beast.