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A massive load of semen that has mostly adhered to itself, making one giant lump.

"Bro.. you just bricked all over yourself, I don't really want to eat that anymore."

by ladyjessica June 20, 2022


To boycott a business to the point of bankruptcy.

All that store sells is discrimination, they need to be bricked

by Let's hurl a brickymart September 2, 2021


Bricked is a term used to describe when you are tired.

"I am so bricked after that track meet."

by Mr_NiceDuck September 14, 2021


This definition was popularized in the form of a trending tiktok audio, bricked can mean:
Turned on, aroused, etc. presumably in a sexual manner.

Poison Ivy: You're dead and buried, darling.

Gamer: And bricked-- hello!

by sheregenerated13 November 2, 2023


This is when the male sexual organ is too hard

I got bricked when Stacy sat on my lap in class

by Trippahh February 24, 2025


An uncommon adjective describing how infuriatingly ugly you fucking are.

Me: "Damn bro, have you seen Lady gaga recently? she be bricked as fuck lookin like a retarded albino ape"
Little kid i didn't realize was actually there: "MOM HE SAID THE FUCK WORD"

by Ca$hmoneyAP May 3, 2022


defenition of a nutty. who is a pro for playing minecraft and codm

Hi! Bricked!

by brickeditself December 28, 2022