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Christian Brothers University

Christian Brothers University is a small Bachelor's and Master's degree granting Catholic school in Memphis, Tennessee. While not as selective as Rhodes College (also in Memphis), it has fewer black students than the University of Memphis. This fact, along with the private-school cache, is the main draw for its students.

Christian Brothers University

by student7 August 15, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pinoy Big Brother

A stupid, over-rated "reality" show that is watched by all the mindless Filipinos in the world every night. They watch the damn show and they're like, "oh, he's so cute!" or "OMG! she's such a b****, they're not bagay..."

Big Brother is considered crap in other countries, but not in the Philippines, because Filipinos think it's cool or "in" to watch this show, or mainly because their crush (another hypocratic teenager or jobless middle-aged person) should not be "evicted".

Filipino 1: Hey, you watch Pinoy Big Brother? It's totally cool!
Filipino 2: No. because unlike you, I actually have a life.


Filipino 1: Tol, nanonood ka ba ng Big Brother?
Filipino 2: Hindi. Hindi kasi ako jologs.

by notallpinoysareignorant May 18, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

french eskimo brothers

When two Eskimo brothers Eiffel tower some chick together and take there brotherhood to the next level. More specifically at a party somewhere like a cabin or apartment or something.

Dave: Dude, do you want to do something fun?
Zach: Sure, what do you have in mind?
Dave: Lets become French Eskimo Brothers at the party tomorrow!
Zach: I don't want to see your dingy though?
Dave: We'll do it in the dark, this is a chance to take our friendship to the next level
Zach: Well alright, you convinced me

by BigTonyTyga January 11, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

super eskimo brothers

When you and your friend have slept with MORE THAN ONE similar girl/shared multiple igloos; thereby elevating the two of you from meer Eskimo Brothers to Super Eskimo Brothers.

"Oh shit! I didn't know you slept with Diana! We were already Eskimo Brothers through Katie, but now, well... tell Bowser we're coming for dat Princess, cause we Super Eskimo Brothers!

eskimo brothers

by Killermeteor99 March 25, 2016

Ur brother an other

Worst thing possible if used properly the word can explode

Susan: Ur mom gay
You: well your dad lesbian
Susan: Ur granny tranny
You: tbh your sister a mister and ur brother an other

Susan: explodes into 1000000 peices all the fairys die and God kills himself

by Full___homo March 18, 2018

Your Brother a Mother

This Insult is the ender of worlds (Use at your own risk)

John:Your Granny Tranny

Jack:Your Sister a Mister

John: Your Brother a Mother

God ceases to exist while a celestial black hole tears the multiverse in two

by the.real.slim.shady_v1 March 18, 2018

dirty brother killer

A murderer who kills brothers. The common nickname when you kill someone's brother when you know it.

Oh. Ok then. You dirty brother killer.

by TrueMudanity June 14, 2020