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Bryson theory

Finance: when you think a person makes X amount so therefore they have Y moneys but totally negates any thought of bills or debt

Jack thinks just because i make 60k a year it means I have 60k in savings. Hes totally negating the fact I have a truck payments and a mortgage. He's trying to play the Bryson theory.

by Islandcouple69 January 12, 2021

Griffin's theory

Once a minion always a minion. once touched a minion always touched a minion

have your heard of Griffin's theory bro its so deep it kinda makes me cry a little

by fradern June 27, 2021

Bread Theory

If one person in a relationship really likes bread and the other dosen't, it's a really good sign the relationship will go places. If both parties like bread or dislike bread there is a great possibility it won't go as well.

Meghan: I love bread

Shawn: I hate bread

Tomás: due to the Bread theory they are perfect for eachother

by Nicheis October 16, 2023

Telescope theory

It is when you see a person from a distance, and believe they are attractive, but when they get closer they are fugly.

This could affect both male and female persons from a distance, and in some cases the male/female person could look ugly from a distance, but when closer can possibly be attractive.

Woah she's hot bro!!

Dude dont forget about the 'telescope theory,' wait till she gets closer?

Awwh no way she's ugly!

by jizz u l8a August 23, 2011

Pie theory

If a woman knows how to make pie (pita), she knows how to cook.

Oh, she knows how to make a pie? I’ve also heard that she makes other food really well. That means the pie theory stands.

by Boz1998 September 30, 2023

The Chocolate Theory

This theory states that the chances of survival of a long distance relationship are directly proportional to the couple's resistance to a midnight craving for chocolate and patience to wait for it till the next day.

I SO wanna have chocolate right NOW! I'd suck at long distance relationships courtesy the chocolate theory.
I think I should end this relationship. Last night's urge for chocolate, chocolate theoried my relationship. (verb)

by iamawesome41 December 18, 2011

The Forest Gump Theory

How long can your one run a day be during the UK lockdown before you get arrest.

Hey I’m bored, let’s test the Forest Gump theory.

by EXB FOR THE WIN March 25, 2020