Finance: when you think a person makes X amount so therefore they have Y moneys but totally negates any thought of bills or debt
Jack thinks just because i make 60k a year it means I have 60k in savings. Hes totally negating the fact I have a truck payments and a mortgage. He's trying to play the Bryson theory.
Once a minion always a minion. once touched a minion always touched a minion
have your heard of Griffin's theory bro its so deep it kinda makes me cry a little
If one person in a relationship really likes bread and the other dosen't, it's a really good sign the relationship will go places. If both parties like bread or dislike bread there is a great possibility it won't go as well.
Meghan: I love bread
Shawn: I hate bread
Tomás: due to the Bread theory they are perfect for eachother
It is when you see a person from a distance, and believe they are attractive, but when they get closer they are fugly.
This could affect both male and female persons from a distance, and in some cases the male/female person could look ugly from a distance, but when closer can possibly be attractive.
Woah she's hot bro!!
Dude dont forget about the 'telescope theory,' wait till she gets closer?
Awwh no way she's ugly!
If a woman knows how to make pie (pita), she knows how to cook.
Oh, she knows how to make a pie? I’ve also heard that she makes other food really well. That means the pie theory stands.
This theory states that the chances of survival of a long distance relationship are directly proportional to the couple's resistance to a midnight craving for chocolate and patience to wait for it till the next day.
I SO wanna have chocolate right NOW! I'd suck at long distance relationships courtesy the chocolate theory.
I think I should end this relationship. Last night's urge for chocolate, chocolate theoried my relationship. (verb)
How long can your one run a day be during the UK lockdown before you get arrest.
Hey I’m bored, let’s test the Forest Gump theory.