Gay or gayeee
Bisexual mostly bull dike!
Tell your homie she better quit, I don't swing left handed!
Someone who is being a right cunt, but you left them standing on the corner with their genitals in their hands.
He was trying to be a right smart ass cunt, but only looked like a little bitch when he got left cunted with his dick in his hand.
Simular to the phrase "I dont give a rats ass" but for use in enviroments with under 3's. If you want to say "I dont give a rats ass" but happen to be in the crèche you can alternatively use "I dont give a rats left foot".
This phrase is also good around people that would willingly class themselves as snowflakes, assholes or English language Nazi's.
I dont give a rats left foot about all the times the process works, I only care about times the process does not work.
When one of the homies are rockin' a bit of a chub, but they don't wanna be too public about it. Can also be used if a guy sees something he likes in a sexual way.
Hey guys. *taps shoulder* *winks*
Hey, Matius! Look over there. Left shoulder moment, am I right?!
means that you would rather drive into oncoming traffic then to do something
ugly person : wanna kiss??
me : i'd rather drive on the left side of the road 🙄
now your even more bored than zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymjukilop your 1 quark away from the 6th stage of boredom. your so bored you press every single button on the keyboard
im bored af esc f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 `1234567890-= delete tab qwertyuiop\ caps lock asdfghjkl;' return shift zxcvbnm,./ shift fn control option command space command option up down left right