Using the sucking property of Luigi’s Poltergust and the blowing property of Gooigi’s poltergust at the same time. Same with the vice versa. Used to avoid money while moving sand.
Coined: Can You Beat Luigi's Mansion 3 Without Collecting Any Money? - DPadGamer
The double trouble push-and-pull is able to blow away sand and money simultaneously.
When the black negro barber pushes the negro customers hairline back so hard he ages 30 years
Man my barber done fucked me up, my side-chick dont wanna fuck me no more because this negro barber pushed my hairline back
Mids, decent weed, hella crystals and half the high, light deprivation grown, half price buds 🤣
Yo is the shit you got right now some push or some pack?
Forcefully make someone do something or at least making someone annoyed
I still dont understand why people push other people to clean their rooms.
Jail term for pushing in one's spokes
Look at your butt should look like bicycle spokes, therefore someone be pushing in the spokes
making a popsicle out of frozen human shit and eating it
Emma made a fresh batch of israeli push pops last night, do you guys want to have some with me?