The act of a girl (in the cowgirl position) lifting herself up until the penis is just about to fall out then sliding back down like a fireman on a pole.
Yo dude my gf did the fireman slam on me last night, was rad!
A Wack Ass Monotonous slampiece.
Wam-slams are a peculiar specimen that have no dopamine in their brains, scientists think this is because of addiction. Wam-slams are often found in recovery groups. A typical Wam-slam diet includes coffee, la croix, sushi, pho and tacos . Wam-slams are easily influenced and their mental capacity is severely diminished due to years of alcohol and drug abuse. Wam-slams have a wide range psycho-social issues..Always wear a condom with a Wam-slam, God only know's what std/sti they are actively carrying.
Wam-slams are often "WAMEN" see UD definition.
Wam-slam, thank you mam.
1: Bro did you see that fine ass Wam-Slam the other night.
2: That Wam-Slam totally BOOFs it!
When you send a girl a dick pic of a penis that is longer then 7 inch’s
I knew it was a Cam Slam once I saw it.
A term used by male heroine users when injecting their drug of choice in or around their genitals particularly in or around the head and or shaft of the penis
1: "did you hear about what happened to Amos?"
2: "na what's up?"
1:"man! He did a golden slam yesterday and now he's in the hospital with a plugged up urethra! The doctors had to lance his cock!"
2:fuck that!!!
Arnold: Did you go to that party last night, George?!
George: Yeah! It was slamming!
The act of absolutely destroying Austin Glasspoles fat ugly mrs.
I will be slamming Gnomes ugly mrs later today