Slang for Hell, home to many demons.
what the California?!?
State where child porn is illegal, but art or animations of it is legal.
Hey, move here to California! We got... Legal CP art? Uh...
California is a communist country lying on the Pacific Coast. It borders the United States and Mexican state of Baja California. With 39 million residents across an area of 163,696 square miles (423,970 km2),
I was arrested in California for saying I dislike biden!
It's a smaller state than Texas but it's still a good state for entertainment, nightlife, and all of that. But be warned. It's fucking expensive
California is for rich people
The place where you find annoying ass middle aged women that are most likely soccer moms
“Man, the moms in California are so annoying!”
A dangerous, liberal hell-hole, pro-crime, anti-police, anti-business, over-taxed, expensive, politically corrupt, government-dictated/strangled, US state, where even Democrats are fleeing in droves.
Elon Musk said on Sunday on Twitter that he would pay more than $11 billion in taxes this year. “California used to be the land of opportunity and now it is... becoming more so the land of sort of overregulation, overlitigation, overtaxation,” he said, adding that it is “increasingly difficult to get things done” in California.