Synonyms: Asshole, bitch, shit-head
Antonym: Kitten Turtle
1. A creature that looks cute like a kitten but with little devil horns except the horns are really dull.
2. Someone who acts and says assholey things sometimeswhen stressed or frustrated with life.
She's being such a kitten turd today!
Wow. That's a kitten turd move.
I can't talk to you right now because you being a kitten turd.
A person who slings turds. A god amongst men. A danger to society. If you are called this you are feared. A villain of sorts. Beware of anyone with the nickname turd burglar. I’m afraid to write this meaning. They may seek me out and wreak hellfire upon me. The power these men wield is dangerous. Be scared and fear the turd burglar.
“Look at that guy, he’s a turd burglar. I would be scared of that god amongst men.”
A thief that prowls the night looking for its next victims turd to take home to his or her fellow loved turglars, they do not care if it is a man, woman, child or armadillo their turd will be taken.
The turd burglar has struck again
Amsterdam only definition:
a polish dude that sleeps in your cupboard while your not watching.
"dude, I found this massive turd burglar in the cupboard under the stairs"
"bro did u call the police?"
"nah, he ran before I could get my axe"
Someone who steals your time with a load of crap. A person who's lies are so long winded and obvious they stink. An ex lover or romantic interest who repeatedly told lies.
She's a turd burglar. I don't know why I listened to her?
When you finish shitting and go to wash your hands, and then turn back around to flush, only to find that your turd has been stolen, leaving only skids and turd covered fingerprints
Recently I’ve had a number of shits disappearing, I think we have a turd burglar on our hands