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National Mr I Sharp day

The 18th of November 2021 Mr I Sharp left my life (he’s still alive I just don’t know where) and therefore I think that that is his day and it shall be the day we remember the no1 teacher Mr I Sharp as he was a truly good teacher and a even better man

To Mr I Sharp “cheers” 🍻

It’s national Mr I Sharp day 🍻

by Elijah gibson November 6, 2022

Am i the jerk?

The youtube channel that most frequently posts about drama, cheating, karens, and being punched beacuse they are rich; could also be a question asked to if they cid something bad

1. Have have you seen that channel” Am i the jerk?” channel its so cool!
2. Am i the jerk? for hitting my mom?

by Retro sukist December 25, 2022

I save the Princess I stomp on the Goomba

A direct quote from 'Mario evades the IRS' by Solid jj. References Mario, as well as tropes of various games in the Super Mario franchise (i.e rescuing Princess Peach from kidnappings, or jumping on Goombas to clear platforming challenges). Commonly used to refer to the simplicity of Mario as a concept, by implying the character exists simply to regularly fulfill these two tasks.

Mario's purpose is essentially "I save the Princess I stomp on the Goomba."

by LJorSomething November 16, 2024

i come

use for i come in your ass i come penis

i come into your asshole

by lmabbl.e September 27, 2021

help i can't find ideas

Idk why ur looking at this, just go to pinterest or something

please help i can't find ideas. GO TO FRICKING PINTEREST

by hiimnothere December 6, 2022

i can show u the world

i can show you the worlddd :)


ahahah slay

i can show u the worldddd, shining shimmering splendid

by Aladdin_showutheworld February 21, 2023

Aborre I Toaletten

A saying interpreting that there may be a shady or unwanted twist to something that seems all bright at first. Directly translated, it means there's a "perch in the toilet". -Brevqvist

Foolish man (1): -"Yo, you won't believe me when I tell you that an old friend of mine just offered me 20 grams of weed for a miraculous price of 50 dollars!"
Sensible person (2): -"Hmm... I mean, I don't really know man... something feels off about it. 20 grams? 50 bucks? Nah, that just doesn't sound right."
Foolish man (1): -"What are you trying to say? Is it not a good deal?"
Sensible Person (2): "Jag tror att det finns en aborre i toaletten... någonstans."

Företagare 1: -"Jag tror just att jag kan ha hittat en livlina för vårt företag!"
Företagare 2: -Okej, så vad menar du då alltså?"
Företagare 1: -"Häromdagen stötte jag på ett kinesiskt företag via mejl som påstår sig rädda mindre företag från konkurs i utbyte mot det minimala löftet att du använder deras programvara på din hemsida! Det låter som ett suveränt avtal om du frågar mig!"
Företagare 2: -"Sakta i backarna! Det var ett kinesiskt företag, visst?"
Företagare 1: -"Jodå, men... men-"
Företagare 2: -"Då finns det nog en aborre i toaletten..."

by Svearikes Bok Av Uttryck July 22, 2024