When some boy or a man act very feminized and has behavior that is more appropriate for the female gender like gesturing or liking some things that it is not usually for guys to like ( such as makeup, fashion, etc.).When that boy or a man decided to change and to start acting and liking things that guys usually like(such as football ,beer etc) we could say that he Man up himself
John: Remember my neighbor Jack?
Joseph: Of course,that guy who everyone thinks is gay because of his effeminacy?
John,Yeah that guy,he actually Man up himself,he started to gym,he got muscles and he started to go on football matches
Joseph: Wow,he really man up himself
to gain the perspective of an adult (usually male) in order to achieve a goal.
If he wants to get a job, he should put down the crayons and man up.
1.) To fulfil your needs to become a macho, toughened up, non-sissy lala type of man
2.) To "man up!" refers to "don't be a pussy", "wipe them tears", "man the freak up!"
3.) To achieve a fathers personal hope of becoming a man
I want my mommyyyyyy!
Mastering Accentuated Negativity Under Pressure
P1: Hey, why are you acting all emotional and sad
P2: I got my employee review. My evaluation says I got an attitude problem, which cost me annual raise
P1: But they gave you feedback about how to fix that right?
P2: yeah!
P1: Well, then MAN UP! Master this accentuated (highlighted) negative you received under pressure! They just told you how to get your money up! So go get your money up!
P2: True! Thanks for flipping that around; instead of pouting, I'm planning!
The definition of Carthage Missouri... California is the best
Vacation, Carthage, Missouri, Encliplaone, Ugly Man For Hundred
a berry dinkle man is when u brake there legs then suck there cock whilst taking a fat shit on his toes and eating it with a berry on top
hey i just pulled a quick berry dinkle on this gay man want to join
what is a berry dinkle. a berry dinkle man is when u brake there legs then suck there cock whilst taking a fat shit on his toes and eating it with a berry on top
i would love to do a berry dinkle with u i love broken legs yum lets be gay together.
A nice twist on one mans meat, another man's poison. Where neither option is that bad. Invites thought , laughter and useful for pub banter.
Originated in the pubs of South London in the 1940s.
I don't know Bill, I don't know what he sees in her.
"One man's meat, another man's gravy."
Long pause...
"But which is better? Meat or gravy?"