I don't but that's not the point...
Hym "So... This is old news now but I have a broad point I want to make and it will apply to a multitude of situations now and in to future. So, there's this video going around (PRAISE THE ALGORITHM! PRAISE ALGORITHM JESUS!) and it consists of this guy getting pulled over (in Florida) for having a bumper sticker that says 'I eat ass.' The officer proceeds to tell the man that he has issued the driver a court date, tells him to take it off, and says that it's because of his kids! He say 'If my kids see that I have to explain to them what eating ass is' and, for one, (If you're not an unsophisticated and humorless drone) it's not all that difficult to hand-wave away (i.e. He's the buttman and if you don't eat your vegetables he's going to get you and eat your butt or something I don't know it's a child you can literally just tell them anything) and secondly if you can't EXPLAIN A COMPONENT OF REALITY to the thing that YOU PERSONALLY (Either intentionally or accidentally) SUBJECTED TO REALITY you shouldn't have kids in the first place!
You did that! You subjected more sentient (not in comparison to me but you know what I mean) life to the creature and now you're trying to sneak yourself some unearned extra-judicial authority. And the drivers response was 'I'm not going to let you infringe upon my 1st amendment rights' (Which is the correct response). Seriously. This faggot cop fucking a baby into his slut wife now REQUIRES everyone else to live in accordance with his delicate sensibilities! Regardless of the rights the driver is supposed to have. Doesn't he know? The parents are the MORE EQUAL ones in the communist dictatorship we inhabit! They are going to continue to use their kids as a cudgel to compel behavioral compliance. 'BuT mY kIdS mIgHt sEe YoU eXiStInG WrOnG aNd ThEy MiGhT sTaRt ExIsTiNg WrOnG! I mIgHt HaVe To ExPlAiN tHe MaDnEsS i'Ve SuBjEcTeD tHeM tO!' Get the fuck out of here!" 'I eat ass'
your hair is a total wreck and it looks totally hidious
"i like your sidebraid" kid says to teacher.
*turns to friend and both laugh, knowing the teacher hair is a wreck*
HsjdkakskfjsjdkdjdkdkjddkwpwOkay wOkay we wow
Wo I canโt wait wowiwywi I am a poop in a gyat
Its when a Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slippery veiny lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throat ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veiny hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throat
Oh my god jesica a Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slippery veiny lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throat ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veiny hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throat
Bob no it cant be a Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slippery veiny lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throat ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veiny hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throat
5๐ 4๐
My mother was a witch, she was burned alive
Thankless little bitch
For the tears I cried
Take her down now
Don't wanna see her face
Blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice
Got to see them, make them pay the price
See their bodies out on the ice
Take my time
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil, I am man, yes
Watched my mother die
I lost my head
Revenge now I sought
To break with my bread
Takin' no chance
You come with me
I'll split you to the bone
Help set you free
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice
Got to see them, make them pay the price
See their bodies out on the ice
Take my time
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil, I am man, yes I am
Oh oh
On with the action now, I'll strip your pride
I'll spread your blood around
I'll see you ride
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat
Like a double dozen before you
Smell so sweet
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil, I am man, yes I am
My soul is longing before, await my heir
Sent to avenge my mother, sleep myself
My face is long forgotten, my face not my own
Sweet and timely whore, take me home
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am
I'm with the action now, I'll strip your pride
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride
Your face is scarred with steel, your spirits dance
Like a double dozen before you, no romance
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil? I am man
Am I evil?
Yes I am
Am I evil? I am man
Yes I am
I Show the Meat๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅฉ๐ฅฉ๐๐๐ A song by โDaddy Speedโ after his son โIShowSpeedโ flashed his uncircumcised dick to millions of people over five nights of Freddyโs
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe
I Show The Meat
To make you feel complete
I Show The Meat
Something you can't believe