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Cowboy hug

When you bear hug another man and shape your two fingers and thumb like a gun to finger his arse

Don't make me give you a cowboy hug

by Shimoss March 30, 2023

November 2 hug

any guy has to give his girlfriend a hug

example:boy ima hug you on november 2 hug day
girl: why?
boy: it’s national hug your gf day

by avanessa November 1, 2021

Hug An Elle Day

If you know an Elle, (that is pronounced el) you should hug them they will appreciate it i promise. This is held on the 5th of January

Olivia - "today is hug an Elle day!"
Elle - "really? i didn't know that was a thing"
Olivia - *hugs elle*

by elle_chicken December 21, 2020

cop a hug

A guy pretends to hug a woman, but secretly tries to touch her breast or butt in the process. cop a feel, sexual assault, groping, frotteurism, touchy feely, fondle, butt, breast, Me Too, Times Up

The director hugged me and tried to cop a hug when he squeezed my breast with his hand.

by joecoolthefool September 2, 2018

grown up hug

For when two adults have sex

When I see your mom later, we're going to have grown up hugs

by GROWN UP HUG August 19, 2017

Hugging Up

It means one is still unfamiliar but has a general idea of how it works.

Originates from the term “Hugging the UP (Union Pacific)”. In the early 20th century when navigation for aircraft was in its infancy, pilots who were lost would zig zag until they found Union Pacific’s transcontinental line and follow it until they got to a spot they were familiar with. They hugged the UP.

“I’m still hugging up with the concept, but I’ll understand it soon.”

by Communist Teddybears April 14, 2024

Advanced Hugging

Going a bit further than regular hugging. May include lying down together, being very close, kissing (but never on the mouth) and over the pants groping.

All still very platonic.

Him: What were you doing with that guy? What happened?
Her: Nothing happened! We didn't have sex or even kiss! It was advanced hugging at best.

by Joey Noh February 3, 2020