lets make money together
and share it equally
"i can't seem to work for money. i need to love what i do and then get paid."
"Thats hilariously spoilt"
"Its one of my current realities. I am aware of the diversity of future scenarios that this reality implies. There is no plan b."
A Safe Space To Go To After School In Ballina, New South Wales That Is Open Between 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM. (3:30 PM - 6:00 PM In Summer)
"Tyler: Are You Going To B-Space This Afternoon?"
Atticus: "Yes I Am!"
A t-shirt you get free when every you buy a case of beer. Usually given away as a promotion.
Frat Guy One: Hey, did you get the beer?
Frat Guy Two: Yah, and a free b-shirt to go with it.
Matt: Just gonna pop on the eleccy b
Michelle: huh?
Matt: Electric blanket, duh
Michelle: Ahhh, coolios! ;D
Beers, Bets, Boxing, Bro's and Bumming.
Can't wait for the 5 B's on Saturday night.
when i was done with my math exam, i promised to myself i would get the three b's BOOTY BITCHES AND BACON