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towel boy

young boys that carried towels in bathhouses

gio scotti looks like a towel boy in ancient greece

by doboteretoh_doghorse May 22, 2023

4👍 1👎

beach boy

Loves the ocean, is seen wearing Gucci, Prada, Dior or Balmain, sandals, sometimes crocs, but rarely. Minimalistic fashion(wears monochromatic colors, along with silver rings and watches and sunglasses) . Is always at the beach, likes leather, satin or any fabric that looks vintage. Probably has a girlfriend and probably makes you feel poor.

"woah look at that dude in his floral Gucci shirt and shorts with his sandals"

"beach boys mate, beach boys"

by Send me ur nudes :) June 9, 2021

Dripstein Boy

A Dripstein Boy is a man of class, a man of confidence and a man of work. Money is no problem for them (they share the bank). A Dripstein Boy is inspired by the works of Jeffrey Epstein and is ready to follow in his footsteps.

Woah, that guy has a lot of money and children in his basement. That’s definitely a Dripstein Boy”

by jeffreydripstein May 8, 2021

2👍 1👎

Spinny Boi

Another word for tubo due to them spooling up/spinning up when reaching high rpm's

We're gonna put some spinny Bois in the 350z

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020

Cheese boi

A boi who is obsessed with the dairy favorite, cheese legend says He’s obese and lives alone 1 like = 1 prayer

Oooh who’s that hottie
It’s just that cheese boi 💦

by Imverysmart69 February 27, 2019

Joshy boi

Joshy bois are often very weird creatures. They spend their free time chatting to kids. They yell a lot and have a very certain type. They love Kit Kat’s and arguing with small children even though he knows that they are better smarter and cooler than them.

Joshy boi is a great friend.

by Harrystykes June 16, 2021

bepis boi

A boi who is quite annoying and mischevious, but also used to refer to someone in your gang/hood

Wow, it's a real bepis boi

by YellowTShirt July 23, 2017