When you make out with someone under 13
Aye that boy William a Child Merchant
Any parents who fuck children into existence. Life is a curse.
You know what you did child fucker!
A more challenging version of early childhood education which requires a very patient and empathetic care taker or teacher who can properly deal with the effects of the social issues and undesirable home life affecting young children from less fortunate circumstances in a severely negative way, usually manifested in the form of acting out, temper tantrums, screaming, biting, hitting and sometimes cussing. This term can refer to younger children of ANY race in ANY demographic to one degree or another as a result of a wide variety of negative family circumstances and/or negative upbringings, but does NOT include those children who may be mentally disabled. Here, the term "hood", in this context, merely refers to a rough neighborhood which has a higher percentage of broken, less fortunate families, and is NOT being used in a derogatory manner.
Gwyn is majoring in early childhood education, but sometimes feels like she is practicing early hood-child education. Especially when she needs to calmly deal with being bitten, scratched in the face or hit by certain children in daycare.
Genderless Child: Am i right lads or am i right lads?
Lads: You are right lads.
a small child, a kid
you thought i was going to say a example ''fucking a child''?
The little child is playing in the park.
Stupid and annoying people in any history, geography, or government class in school.
“Man, that guy is a real log child. He doesn’t even know how to find Africa on a world map!”
When an adult likes to suck cock of a minor.
Bethany is a child pole smoker because she likes to suck her 4yr olds dick