Source Code

Logan S

If your first name is Logan and your last name starts with S, your automatically gay. You are the gayest thing ever and you also can never win an argument against a girl. Side note~ your very fucking dumb.

Bro did you hear how gay Logan S is!? And he lost an argument to a girl name Samantha!

by WHORES MAD July 5, 2020

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A single filipino being a dumb filipino . Plural: when a group of Filipinos get together and start being stupid loud and obnoxious together . Absolute idiots . No good can come from a group of flippers .

Those fucking flipper(s) won't shut up and it's 2:30 in the fucking morning !

by Odinz February 20, 2018

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A substitute for saying 1980s that haxor codemaster uses when saying something is 80's

h@x0r_1:dude taht car is so 80รขย€ย™s

pwnerMan: I know dude its like 80s but How do u say ย€ ?

by RAWRmASTER5000 May 8, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.ie.,-azs|fux-., = Corey Enegren = dead when i find out where he lives for back stabbing me., aOd | RedruM = pwnage compared to his n00b clan = gay n00bs = some h4x0rz = most of s|fx = pwned by all of aOd any day

by aOd | RedruM aka Matt March 4, 2003

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Abbreviation for "Digital Tits." The image of a girl's breats captured in the frame of a digital camera.

"I went to a party last night and this girl started stripping; I pulled out my camera and got some D.T.'s.

by fingers November 11, 2004

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Leon S. Kennedy

1) Super hot. Blonde. Nice legs. Gives zombies and parasitic villagers a whoopin'. Protagonist of Resident Evil 2, 4, and part of 6.

2) My daddy.

Girl: Why do people like Resident Evil so much?
Boy: Leon S. Kennedy

by Smug Noctis June 3, 2017

135๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for a spanish person(people) usually a dominican or puerto rican

did you see that spanish girl?
the Gawalla(s) girl yea i seen her

by NYslang January 24, 2011

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